Sunday, May 5, 2013

Feet Issues

My training has been going pretty well. I slowly worked up to 13.5 miles with a fully loaded pack.....then came plantar faciatis. Lots of of fun, not. I've gotten it largely under control with a combination of hot and cold compresses, stretches and some fairly expensive inserts that are taking some getting used to. But all seems to be working and I've restarted my training from scratch to account for the inserts. 

I've also gone to a chiropractor, I worked out plantar tendon in the bottom of my foot.  It hurt like hell, in fact the pain was excruciating. He also used something called cold laser therapy. The good news is the pain was worth it, my feet feel much better today. I have a few more treatments to go and I am optimistic that this will be a very good therapy.

The jury is out on the inserts, my feet are not comfortable in them. I'm going to give you a few more days and check with the chiropractors thanks.

Come hell or high water I am headed to Spain on August 20th.

In a complementary effort I am on a mission to reduce every possible ounce I can from my pack. Right now I am scanning the guide books I purchased into PDF format to load onto my IPAD mini. Next on the list is getting down to the bare essentials and cutting out labels etc...every ounce counts I like to cut a pound out if possible.